How to Avoid a Scam Three Tips for Finding a Good Car Shipping Company

In 2013, the registration of used commercial vehicles rose by 7.8%. According to the Wall Street Journal, sales for all vehicles purchased online are up 16.5% since the past year, and that number continues to grow as more people find online sites and auctions to be a suitable alternative to dealerships.
Buying cars online can be a great way to get good value for less money. However, many people only consider the second half of the equation after they’ve already clicked buy; how are you going to get that car from its location, to you? In most cases, you’re going to contact car transport services. Here are three common questions people have about this service, along with answers.
1. What Should I Expect From Car Shipping Quotes?
As you can probably imagine, your final shipping price is going to be impacted by a number of variables, including what type of car it is, how heavy it is, how far it’s going, and how close you are to a highway. To give you an idea of average costs, though, going from the Northeast to the Southeast will average you about $550. Southwest to Northeast, on the other hand, has a higher average of about $1,100. Make sure the final price includes traveling insurance covering your vehicle, or it won’t really be a reflection of true price.
2. Are There Scammy Car Moving Companies Out There?
If there’s money involved, someone will think up a scam to dupe innocent buyers, and car transportation is no exception to this rule. Luckily, it’s easy to find a reliable company so long as you keep a few key concepts in mind. Be suspicious of anyone who quotes you a price far below the average. Vasilka Atanosova, an auto transport expert, tells the story of one woman who, after receiving a very low bid and paying via credit card, essentially had her vehicle held hostage by the moving company until she agreed to pay a new price. Situations like this can be avoided by reading online reviews, reading your contract closely, and making sure you get all your questions answered.
3. Is it Hard to Get a Car Hauler Job?
In order for someone to transport other cars, they will need to pass the test for a CDL, or commercial driver’s license. Most car hauler jobs involve transporting trailers that hold six to ten vehicles. Many shipping trips will be long, and involve crossing state lines. If you are interested in being a car transport driver and want to work full time, you should look to larger companies. Otherwise, it might be possible to get smaller jobs from local dealerships.
Are you shipping your car, or interested in a car hauler job? Let us know in the comments. More like this: