What Is a Digital Vehicle Inspection?

When you own a car, you have to regularly take it for inspections in order to make sure that it is running smoothly and there are no problems with it. The mechanics that perform these inspections have often written down all of the information by hand, in order to keep track of everything. However, this isn’t the best way of doing things, as the papers can get greased up, ripped, or carelessly lost quite easily. Enter digital inspections. Digital inspections allow for mechanics to keep track of all of a car’s information on a tablet and instantly upload it to a network in order to be tracked.
The software for digital inspections is changing all the time, and in the above video, you can see some of the latest developments for digital inspections. According to this video, there is no software out there that allows you to make digital inspections without using a shop management system, and can also allow for texting and appointment scheduling! For more information, keep watching the video above and check out the channel for more information. We have you find it useful, and continue to grow with digital inspections in your shop!