How To Set Up An Ergonomic Car Repair Shop

This video starts by showing the viewers a 360-degree view of the car repair shop. It is neat and orderly, everything has its place. The video shows the perspective of the customer as soon as they walk in the door.
It first shows the waiting room and how clean it is. It is clean, welcoming, and neat. Next, it shows the clean floors. All of the windows are clean and easy to see through. In the video, they mention how customers comment on how clean the car repair shop is and it makes them feel comfortable that this is a professional shop. The video shows the employee’s view, also. It shows the first things that the employee sees when they walk into the shop. It is clean and neat. The employees feel like this is a safe workplace. All of the tools are neat, clean, and organized. It shows the various tools in the car repair shop. It shows the tires, tire rack, air filters, batteries, grinder, and flush machines. It also shows the containers for waste oil and new oil.