Three Things You Need to Do to Get Your Bike Ready For Winter

With Thanksgiving well behind us and jolly old Christmas coming up over the horizon, now is the time for bikers everywhere to start thinking about getting their prized Victory bikes ready for winter.
Riding during this icy months is dangerous. Roads are slick with black ice, which can cause serious, potentially fatal accidents. What’s more, the harsh elements can also cause extra wear and tear on vehicles, and can even damage them.
It’s best for motorcyclists and their vehicles to just put Victory bikes away for the winter, and let them rest until it starts to warm up again. Here are a few tips that can help.
Get the Fluids Ready.
Victory bikes need to get their systems and fluids ready before they’re put away for winter. Their oil, brake fluid, and coolant needs to be changed; their moving parts need to be lubed; and their fuel systems need to be stabilized. These tasks are easily done at home, but can also be professionally take care of.
Get the Batteries Safeguarded.
Over time, batteries will self-discharge. Most motorcyclists solve this problem by pulling their batteries, but battery tenders might be a better way to take care of things. These devices monitor and charge batteries, maintaining them throughout the winter.
Get the Victory Bikes Covered Up.
Once Victory bikes are all mechanically prepped for the winter, it’s time to put them away in a safe, covered location. Once in garages or other storage space, they should get covers put on them to keep the dust off and the moisture out so that no rust or corrosion gets created. If they’re stored outside, the covers should be tied down so as not to blow away in the wind.
In order to be ready for winter, Victory bikes need to get their fluids prepped, their batteries safeguarded, and get covered up. If you have any other questions about getting your prized vehicle ready for winter, consider asking one of your area’s Triumph Victory motorcycle dealers. If you have any other tips about winterizing Victory bikes, feel free to share in the comments. Find out more at this site.