Travel By Motorcoach and Make Your Trip More Enjoyable

When it comes to the modes of transportation used in the United States, there are a limited number of options. We can fly, take the train to a few select cities, or we can drive. As we know, driving can be a lonely, expensive proposition depending on where we’re going. The open road of our great country can be seen from the window if a vehicle, but that vehicle doesn’t have to be yours, and you don’t have to explore that open road on your own.
It’s been close to 200 years since bus travel in its infancy transported people around cities and between towns. In the 1820s, horse drawn buses were introduced to folks who needed low cost transportation. About 10 years later, these horse drawn buses made way for the regular intercity buses that were powered by steam engines. People could plane their travel by the bus schedules that made their stops at certain locations day after day. Today, motorcoach companies are big business, and account for over 751,000,000 passenger trips annually.
With today’s roads becoming more and more overcrowded, it makes more and more sense everyday to consider the benefits of bus travel. Though the industry is not advertised in the same way that the airline industry is, motorcoach companies offer travel to places that airlines simply don’t go. For the approximately 14 million people who reside in rural America, bus companies provide the only mode of public intercity transportaion, and they do so more efficiently.
Motorcoach companies also contribute to the economy of a city or town in ways that may not be readily apparent. When a single motorcoach spends just one night at a destination, it generates $11,660 for that local economy in lodging, meals, and other spending by passengers. The motorcoach industry also generates benefits to the greater economy as well. The demands for goods and services that are created by the motorcoach travel industry combined with sales and industry related equpiment provides jobs for 792,700 people.
If you are someone who is concerned about the envirnoment and the need to manage fossil fuels more efficiently, then having a look at motorcoach travel could be just what you desire in in the travel industry. Brining people together when it comes to travel saves money and the environment. For example, motorcoaches achieve 206.6 passenger miles per gallon or MPG. The more people in one vehicle, the better the gas mileage is per person. Hybrid cars which get particularly good MPG for automobiles only achieve as high as 46 passenger MPG.
Motorcoach companies all around the world are providing great service, better value, and the best passenger MPG of any mode of transportation available to us today. There is a future in what the earliest horse drawn bus operators envisioned for travel, and it is here today in the motorcoach and buss industry. Consider bus travel the next time you plan your trip. It’s the best way to travel.